Advanced Birth Videography
CourseVideography course for birth photographers.
How to add Birth Photography to your Doula Services
CourseLearn how and why you should add birth photography to your current services. Birth Photography can increase client satisfaction, help with postpartum and birth processing, and dramatically increase the amount of money you can make as a doula.
Essence of Birth - Winter 2024
CommunityThis Community is for the Essence of Birth Students in the 2024 Winter Cohort
Essence of Birth - Fall 2023
Community -
Editing for Lightroom - A Master Class
CourseIn this course, you will learn how to take your editing to the next level. Jennifer will walk you through the many adjustments and editing options available in Lightroom, giving you the skills necessary to develop your own editing style.
IPS 101: How To Create a LUCRATIVE, SUSTAINABLE and PASSION DRIVEN Birth Business.
CourseIn this introduction to IPS course, you will assess your current business model and find out if In Person Sales is the right fit for you, your clients and the vision you have for your business and brand. Krista will share her insight into pricing for